
Friday 9 August 2013

The mating ritual


Do we singles, truly believe in solo happiness or do we convince ourselves to believe?

Friday 2 August 2013

A week in a small town

Fellow city dwellers,

I am spending this week in a small town. Having some time off in the summer, I usually go back home and visit my grandparents. They live in a little town that is home to the best ice cream in the Northern Hemisphere (according to me). This time, I have noticed and noted some of the clear differences to me, apart from the obvious one is big the other is small.

First difference became apparent to me one early morning. Please note that when I say early morning I mean 9am. I am used to going to bed rather late as, especially now when the house is full of people, late at night is the only time it is quiet and I can work, read, do my own things. That day I was awaken at 9am by a loud, consistent banging. I went downstairs and asked my family, "who is that idiot banging so early in the morning?", to which my grandmother replied, "but it is not early, its 9 am!". The day in a small town begins much earlier, at 6am when the grocery shops open their doors and the church bells ring. It also ends rather early.

My kitty Willow needed to get a rabies vaccination and so I went to the vet. It has been particularly hot for the past two weeks. I got there at 14:30 and asked for the vet. The nice lady in the shop told me that the vet went home because of the heat and told me to come back tomorrow by 4pm because that's when the vet goes home on a regular basis. And so I did. I got everything done by 15:30, went home to leave Willow and wanted to do some more shopping. Turns out that most shops close by 5pm.

Yes, life in a small town differs greatly from the life in a city and perhaps it can be a little annoying to those of us used to going shopping till late. There are however things in a small town you can't always get in a city. One of such things is fresh air. Oh, the air! I have spent a lot of time at a horse stable that week, which was situated in the next village and the air and views were truly magnificent. Horses galloping in the setting sun, wild hares coming out onto the fields, and the rich colours of the nearby forest. See it for yourself here!

Personally, I love the city. The opportunities that await there, the spirit of the city and the fact that you can order take out at any time of the day or night. I can however see the benefits of living in a smaller town, the air is fresh . . . I'm afraid that's about it. Knowing that I can leave the city if I want for a few weeks just to relax, breath and calm my mind is perfect for me. But I don't think I could live with everyone knowing and looking at my every move. People here seem to know everything about each other. From who came to church and even more who didn't, who sleeps with whom, all the way to who had a barbecue the day before. I prefer when people around me do not know everything about me, letting only a few to get to know the real me.
